Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chris Coulter

Hello my name is Chris Coulter. I am a senior working towards an English Lit major, which I will finish next semester. In May I became the proud father of my first child, her name is Zeppelin Monarch, and I spend most of my time playing and loving on her. Whenever her mother demands some baby time I fall back on my other hobbies reading, playing video games, and writing.

I have taken two other holocaust/WW2 classes that focused on reading and am looking forward to this class very much due to the film aspect. Even though the subject material is exceptionally grim I find the ethical, rhetorical, and psychological aspects inherently fascinating. I've had other classes with Mary McCay and always get a kick out of her outlook on the subjects she covers and am sure she will find a way to include Harrison Ford somewhere in this class. :)

1 comment:

  1. haha love the Harrison Ford comment! Took that class of hers too. Love McCay.
