Hello, my name is Chandler and I am an English Writing major with a tentative minor in Religious Studies. I have always sustained an interest in learning about foreign societies, cultures, and eras of time forever inaccessible to me, and furthermore wish i could have inhabited many of these worlds so as to directly engage in a lifestyle wholly different from what i've become use to. This is why I signed up for this class, in hopes that it would give me a perspective about Nazi Germany/World War II-era Europe that would expand my sensitivity towards human life during those times.
I currently work as a dishwasher for Theo's Pizza, and have spent the entirety of my working life thus far holding similar positions in causal and fine-dining restaurants. I favor restaurant work, specifically in the back-of-the-house, over retail or office work because i find the labor involved (especially in dishwashing) to be more satisfying; i prefer aching muscles and soggy clothing over sitting at a desk or a counter all day looking for a way to make the clock go faster. When i'm not working i enjoy reading, writing, and playing chess online.
Glad to meet you all.
Which Theo's do you work for. Do you know Peyton Burgess? He works at the Theo's on Magazine.