Overall, it was a very unique portrayal of the ways that people are systematically excluded and when that occurs, the potential for that to evolve into a very terrible situation. I was also reminded of Schindler's List because Wikus was able to use his power and status as a human to try to help Christopher.
The Holocaust in Film and Literature
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Shaw: Power and Humanity in District 9
Overall, it was a very unique portrayal of the ways that people are systematically excluded and when that occurs, the potential for that to evolve into a very terrible situation. I was also reminded of Schindler's List because Wikus was able to use his power and status as a human to try to help Christopher.
Dacula - Looking Beyond the Surface
Pauli - District 9: NOT HUMAN NOT WELCOME
Friday, December 9, 2011
Cardon - District 9
Fuhrer: District 9
Asmussen - District 9
District 9 is a movie that is supposed to show apartheid in South Africa and also show how genocide starts and is carried out. The aliens represent the unwanted minority, forced to live in confined spaces with no where to go. They are not integrated into society and therefore begin to act out. The aliens were identified as an enemy to the South African people because they were a minority that was easily identified. This is similar to what is described in the article “Native American Genocide.” Native Americans were a minority in their society and because they were easily identified by their features and therefore negative stereotypes developed quickly. They were excluded from society and therefore lived in poor conditions just like the aliens in Sector 9.
The exclusion of the aliens that occurs in the movie is similar to that in the ghettos seen in the movie “The Pianist.” They are separated from the rest of mankind and made to live in slums. They are forced to break laws and steal in order to survive. It is much like the ghetto because the rest of society thinks it is acceptable to confine these people to horrible condition and small places because it is easy for them. Unlike in the article “The Fate of Raul Wallenberg,” there seems to be no one that wants to help the aliens. No one will risk their lives to help them because they feel it isn’t worth it. They don’t seem them as other living creatures and thats why it is so easy for the military to kill them. At one point in the movie, a military man even says that he loves his job of killing “prawns.”
The systematic extermination of the aliens is similar to that seen in the movie, “Schindler’s List.” While it seems that the MNU doesn’t mean to exterminate the aliens at first, it seems easy for them to do once it starts. It also seems like the rest of the population is not quite aware of all that is going on. This is similar to the Nazi extermination of Jews. Many were not aware, or pretended not to know how they were being killed off. However, all that matter in the end is that it did happen and it was allowed to happen. No one stood up for the aliens because society had labeled them as being unwanted.
Coulter-District 9